Hi i'm back here again after reading my older posts in this blog. Ok i realised i hardly blogged about 2010 things. My life literally sucks. Maybe I always thought that i've always found the right ''something'' i feel i've got but it's always wrong and messed up. Those pictures are back to school in 2010, back to my old primary school. I miss primary school because every friendship there is pure, and used-to-be naive. When everyone's so innocent, everything is so perfect. You'll be betraying your friends, backstabbing yes.. but when you're young, those friends you actually cared and cried for are really friends that you really loved and put them into your hearts.
People right now still does that for a friend? Well it's hard to think about it though. Things are happening too quick and everything is like going far too fast.
I'm sitting for my 4th and 5th paper tomorrow already. Thank god this week is gonna be over soon. God bless me.
Shall be back in a while after my exams, I promised i'll do a daily update or something similar k? I wouldn't leave it dead. Too sad already. :)