My 2009, is a total disaster. Ups and downs, lefts and rights, whatever shouldn't happen, happened. I flunked my studies like everything is just a grade, F. Perhaps the whole year was a total F for me. F for failure, F for fuck everything. But things like this is so not gonna pull me down from everything. I stood up again, like right now here. I've got back the love and happiness I've ever wanted. I'm satisfied. There's always things I did that I've regretted, but right now I'm trying to take away all my regrets, making every single thing even better. Those who left, who leave, who hurt me, gave me a temporary scar. It was tough to walk out of that path without anyone there perhaps. I'm great to have friends like, Shimin Chrystal Puteri, and many other more that I've not named here. They walked me out, they stood there for me. They understand me, in and out. I thanked my family for being there for me also. After all, in 2009, I've learnt a lot. Learnt about the reality, how's the society outside's like, how cruel this world can be to you. But to me, even how cruel this world can be to you, but never forget about those who love you. You can destroy all those who hated you, but never at those who loves you.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
My 2009
My 2009, is a total disaster. Ups and downs, lefts and rights, whatever shouldn't happen, happened. I flunked my studies like everything is just a grade, F. Perhaps the whole year was a total F for me. F for failure, F for fuck everything. But things like this is so not gonna pull me down from everything. I stood up again, like right now here. I've got back the love and happiness I've ever wanted. I'm satisfied. There's always things I did that I've regretted, but right now I'm trying to take away all my regrets, making every single thing even better. Those who left, who leave, who hurt me, gave me a temporary scar. It was tough to walk out of that path without anyone there perhaps. I'm great to have friends like, Shimin Chrystal Puteri, and many other more that I've not named here. They walked me out, they stood there for me. They understand me, in and out. I thanked my family for being there for me also. After all, in 2009, I've learnt a lot. Learnt about the reality, how's the society outside's like, how cruel this world can be to you. But to me, even how cruel this world can be to you, but never forget about those who love you. You can destroy all those who hated you, but never at those who loves you.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I'm thinking of buying polariod, should i? :(
My heart races, every time when i think of you. I love you bbyboy, all the nose and pinch fights we had, nonsense boy. Haha love you cheeeeekyboy!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Boring x'mas
I spend my x'mas eve with Koonie and then met up with Chengen at night. Haha we went for some of dont know what uncle's birthday. Haha drank a lil and had games.
X'mas was spent with my mum and bro, shopping at town? Haha mum got me a bag! Yep had a simple x'mas. We had starbucks and muffin too!
Saturday was spent with Shimin and Jerlene. Caught Avatar, I was feeeling so fucking unwell. Wasted lorhhh. Feeeling so giddy in the cinema. Haha but it was a nice showwww.
Then Sunday, met up with those girls for a while, aftermath went over to meet babyboy :)
Caught alvin and the chipmunks! Awwwwww. Haha.
And then yesterday, in the evening went over to meet baby! Caught bodyguards assasin last night, touching show indeeeeeeeed.
Okay I had all this days without pixxxxx, life's so boring.
And now i left my phone with baby, damn it. :(
Monday, December 21, 2009
365 days, 12 months, 1 year.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Okay anyway have already updated! Support okay be nice people.
Okay bye :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Through them all,
I've never gave up hopes on you, because I know we'll make it through everything, and yes we did. Many times others judge, comment, but we still make through them all. I've never been sick of your voice despite me hearing it daily, I've never been sick of your text message, but i've always been excited to receive them. I've never been sick of our dates, instead I wished we could spend everyday together. I love you, bbC. I can’t express with more words on earth
My heart toward you overflowering more and more.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Boring day
I love you casperlove, in this 360 days, we've gone through thicks and thins, ups and downs, tall(s) and short(s), I just wanna say a big thank you for tolerating me perhaps? I bet no one can tolerate me like you do, no one could give me the love like you do, no one could make me smile like you do. You gave me a world when I told you my world's dying, You gave me a smile on my face when I told you i'm so depressed. I love you, cheeky boy. Happy 360th day.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Care free

Friday, December 11, 2009
Life's hard, love's simple.
Tuesday, went for Junsheng's chalet with Gk. Had games time and bbq and etc. My sad phone died on that day, wasn't contactable at all for the whole day.
Wednesday work work work, babyboy came down and visit me with milk tea. Had dinner with him aftermath, :)
Thursday, the tapwater day. Was planned to go out and stuffs blah blah shit but in the end something cropped up and f m l for the day. In the evening headed over to find Shimin babygirl~
Today, I'm like a night animal. I work up at 12pm everyday due to baby's morning callls~~~ If not i'll be waking up at 2-3pm everyday. Went out to meet baby, met Yuting at Jurong Point yep, and then headed back to cck. I spend my day just walking around, roaming around. Life's so boring~~~~
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I spent my monday with babyboy, I couldn't remember what we did totally.
Tuesday went out with Puteri honey after so long! Aww was damn excited to see her. We went to town, had a bus ride, seeing girls that keep wondering whether whose malay and whose chinese, heart2heart, girls' talk, boys, girlfriends and whatever we can talk about. We went to artfriend to get her items for her monthsary card, and we walked to plaza sing from there. I was so hungry that I started eating like a monster, okay that was so unglam.
Wednesday, went out with babyboy. We caught the show Couples Retreat yay yay yay the show was awesome. Okay we had pizza for dinner, noodles for supper. I'm eating alot nowadays, it's a good thing right? Haha. Daddy came and pick me up at 3am.
Thursday, met up with Puteri in the evening, had our icecreams cheezecake at lot1. Then yeah like this lorh.
Friday, town with bb
Saturday, church with Shimin
Sunday, Jurong Point with parents, and then met up with bb aftermath. Had my hair cut! My fringe looks shorter.
Yesterday, work work work. Babyboy stayed with me for 3 hours!! Yay yay yay hahaha. It kills time alot, and we kept talking and talking. Imagine the boss sees me doing this, cfm say i'm slacking like shit. Haha! Thank God with him time flies so fast yay!
Life's like this, boring and very boring and even more boring. I'm such a broke girl right now so poor thing :( I'm waiting forever and forever come please, my pay!!! E-ri-ta-ting lorhz. Oh yes is coming back with an update soon okay! Pinky promised.
I just like to have you around like this. Cuddling in your arms, holding your hands down the streets we go. Even when I feels upset, I'm still able to cry in your arms, I want to go down to the bottom of your heart, and to see myself there. I love you, ccf. Thanks for last night, letting me to cry in your arms. I need that, so badly.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"hey bee.. i'm sorry but i......
and then there's damn alot of spacing...
I think I love you and I want to live with you for the rest of my life. Call me now!!"
Haha isn't this so dumb and silly? But he's so so cute yep.
Well cyrus, I love you so much alright, even though you're so sensitive, always bully me, but my heart belongs to only you :) See ya later, my number 1 boy. Be honoured that I wrote this whole post for you. Love, xoxo
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Forever 14
On 27th November,
We went for kbox for my advanced birthday celebration. Met up with Shimin Peiyi Chrystal Chengan Vincent. And then Beldric and his girlfriend came over for cut cake ceremony. Haha and then they went off and yep. We sang for hours I guess, with vodka and everything the atmosphere was indeed high. Peiyi was totally red. Haha. After that Chrystal went off, the guys went back home. And then me and the rest headed back to Fajar mac to have our dinner and then we cut cake again due to some moodswing thingy from me. HAHA durian cake! And dad came and fetch me for the first time. Yep and then home sweet home.
On 28th november, my actual birthday.
We all have plans actually, but in the end it was raining heavily. So what we did was,
Longjohn for lunch, pool at timah till evening, pizza hut at causeway, back to our fav place to drink and gossips and heart2heart. Chengen Junsheng Jieyu surprised me with a big elephant stuffed toy on my birthday. Thanks guys! Yep and then Geokkoon came with her tapwater nose, and dying face. Haha. Thanks for the whole day alright, geokkoon liping chengen junsheng and jieyu! Yep then after that headed home around 12 to cut cake before my birthday's over.
On 29th November,
Favourite boy came down to cck early in the noon to surprise me with my girls at mac. I was so shocked that he was there. Haha. And then yep we accompanied Shimin to go for her singing audition and then headed to cine to watch New Moon. And then the girls left and me and fav boy lepak over at cck and then home sweet home :) Favourite boy,
Thanks for everything you've done for me yesterday okay! The photo album you've made, for the first time you did it for me okay. Haha. And thanks for your stuffed toys, and everything. I know there's many obstacles that we've made through together, we suffered together we cried together yep. But let's not have anything to seperate us again alright, love you to the max cyrus. xxx.
I'm so broke right now at home, no job nothing. No plans for december also sian.
I think i'm a spolit kid man. I shall be not lazy and get to pack my stuffs yay. Okie buai buai!
Support anyway.