OH SHIT I LOOK SO FAT NOW. Haha this few days are awesome! My exams ended. YAY FINALLY BUT SADLY I FLUNK SO MANY PAPERS EVEN THAT BLOODY ART. The day before before I went to town with Triple C(s) and met my lovelies at night. The girls are really crazy at night i tell you. Can cry ar with them. Okie then yesterday I went out to get a small bite for breakfast and I WAS STALKED. So in the end I flew over to Bukit Panjang to meet Chrystal and co. Thank GOD THEY WERE THERE! Haha then we camp there tilllllll 11 plus and then we flew over to my house and then we just do nothing but stone. And then we flew over to lot1 and then we ate and then me and Chrystal flew back to her crib. And then miss angelina flew here with us. Okie we went to suntan and swim and ya know what we own the whole swimming pool yesterday! We played flo rida pitbull gaga songs and went so high. After all our junks and barangs we ate dinner at c's house and went over to railway to meet Nz. And then we camwhore, then home sweet home. I couldn't sleep for the whole night yesterday :(

Sorry ar i think my face like become fatter. Haha this few days i'm so in a mood to eat till i'm so broke right now. Pixxxxxx later okie i'm so lazy! Meeting my girls later for picnic and i'm so late to meet them! BUAI BUAI :)