2nd jan,
Went out with Kooniez. Went over to flea titan, met familar faces again heh hehz. Wasn't happy with whatever I shopped, I just spend money like tapwater on that day. Back to cine for my hk cafe~~ Went to meet Chengen, Kooniez shopped like mad, and she was fucking happy that day. Haha.
Met babyboy on the 3rd, I forgot what we did anyway. I think we roamed around town again~~
School school school, occupy a lot of time of my schedule! Celebrated Chengan's birthday previously in school, caught old dogs with babyboy on weekday~
Met babyboy on friday! We went to town again to do his shopping, yet his poor girlfriend didn't get anything for herself. Heh hehz.
Yesterday, went over to town to meet my buyer, then headed over to flea to meet Yuenshin! And then met Adelind and Jolie there. Had a short and great time with Ad and co :) Heh heh then went over to amk to meet bby! Had dinner and home sweet home.
Pixx on countdown day~ I haven't got much pixxx from gk yet.